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About Us

It is quite tiring to visit shops and find a product of your choice. We visit multiple markets and still, at times, don’t get the desired product. AskNow is a platform of ease and reliability. Despite wandering around the huge crowded markets, tell us about your requirements — a single platform which provides useful gadgets at lower prices. The Idea of AskNow is generated after a detailed analysis of the market and customers’ requirements. Too many options on the shops, indeed confuse a person’s mind but we have got you covered. On our website, you just need to make up your mind about the product, search it, check the features and order — all you can have in just one click, that too by sitting at home. This platform solely addresses the needs of shopkeepers, business movers, retailers and the users to buy products available on our platform. There is no need to describe every detail and feature of your required product to purchase. Here, you only need to open the site and see plenty of products displaying on your screen, incorporating the price tags. Ask now is providing relief by letting you buy your product at home.